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SvgIcon API

API reference docs for the React SvgIcon component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.

Component demos


import SvgIcon from '@mui/joy/SvgIcon';
// or
import { SvgIcon } from '@mui/joy';
Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.


Props of the native component are also available.


Node passed into the SVG element.

| 'inherit'
| 'neutral'
| 'primary'
| 'success'
| 'warning'
| string

The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component. You can use the htmlColor prop to apply a color attribute to the SVG element.

To learn how to add your own colors, check out Themed components—Extend colors.


The component used for the root node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.

| 'lg'
| 'md'
| 'sm'
| 'xl'
| 'xl2'
| 'xl3'
| 'xl4'
| 'xs'
| string

The theme's fontSize applied to the icon that will override the size prop. Use this prop when you want to use a specific font-size from the theme.


Applies a color attribute to the SVG element.


If true, the root node will inherit the custom component's viewBox and the viewBox prop will be ignored. Useful when you want to reference a custom component and have SvgIcon pass that component's viewBox to the root node.


The shape-rendering attribute. The behavior of the different options is described on the MDN Web Docs. If you are having issues with blurry icons you should investigate this prop.

| 'md'
| 'lg'
| string

The size of the component.

To learn how to add custom sizes to the component, check out Themed components—Extend sizes.

slotProps{ root?: func
| object }

The props used for each slot inside.

slots{ root?: elementType }{}

The components used for each slot inside.

See Slots API below for more details.

| object
| bool>
| func
| object

The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles.

See the `sx` page for more details.


Provides a human-readable title for the element that contains it.

viewBoxstring'0 0 24 24'

Allows you to redefine what the coordinates without units mean inside an SVG element. For example, if the SVG element is 500 (width) by 200 (height), and you pass viewBox="0 0 50 20", this means that the coordinates inside the SVG will go from the top left corner (0,0) to bottom right (50,20) and each unit will be worth 10px.

The ref is forwarded to the root element.

Theme default props

You can use JoySvgIcon to change the default props of this component with the theme.


To learn how to customize the slot, check out the Overriding component structure guide.

Slot nameClass nameDefault componentDescription
root.MuiSvgIcon-root'svg'The component that renders the root.

CSS classes

These class names are useful for styling with CSS. They are applied to the component's slots when specific states are triggered.

Class nameRule nameDescription
.MuiSvgIcon-colorDangercolorDangerClass name applied to the root element if color="danger".
.MuiSvgIcon-colorInheritcolorInheritClass name applied to the root element if color="inherit".
.MuiSvgIcon-colorNeutralcolorNeutralClass name applied to the root element if color="neutral".
.MuiSvgIcon-colorPrimarycolorPrimaryClass name applied to the root element if color="primary".
.MuiSvgIcon-colorSuccesscolorSuccessClass name applied to the root element if color="success".
.MuiSvgIcon-colorWarningcolorWarningClass name applied to the root element if color="warning".
.MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeInheritfontSizeInheritClass name applied to the root element if fontSize="inherit".
.MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeLgfontSizeLgClass name applied to the root element if fontSize="lg".
.MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeMdfontSizeMdClass name applied to the root element if fontSize="md".
.MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeSmfontSizeSmClass name applied to the root element if fontSize="sm".
.MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeXlfontSizeXlClass name applied to the root element if fontSize="xl".
.MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeXl2fontSizeXl2Class name applied to the root element if fontSize="xl2".
.MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeXl3fontSizeXl3Class name applied to the root element if fontSize="xl3".
.MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeXl4fontSizeXl4Class name applied to the root element if fontSize="xl4".
.MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeXsfontSizeXsClass name applied to the root element if fontSize="xs".
.MuiSvgIcon-sizeLgsizeLgClass name applied to the root element if size="lg".
.MuiSvgIcon-sizeMdsizeMdClass name applied to the root element if size="md".
.MuiSvgIcon-sizeSmsizeSmClass name applied to the root element if size="sm".

You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options: